Home Blog 6 Causes for Fluctuating vision: remedy could be RX Safety Glasses

6 Causes for Fluctuating vision: remedy could be RX Safety Glasses

6 Causes for Fluctuating vision: remedy could be RX Safety Glasses

Last updated: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fluctuating vision means recurring changes in the clarity of vision. Fluctuated and blurred vision are two different things. A blurred vision can come and go or happen to vision irregularities. In fluctuating vision, the quality of vision can change from morning and evening. One day, you can find your vision sharper and clearer, but the next day the clarity can disappear.

Fluctuating vision can be a sign of hypertension and diabetes. These chronic conditions can harm the blood vessels in the retina. Any conditions that damage your retina can cause permanent vision loss. We are describing some factors that can affect your visual acuity and how can you minimize fluctuating vision. In this condition, RX Safety Glasses are the best option to control vision.


Diabetes can damage tiny blood vessels that can cause diabetic retinopathy. A diabetic patient can notice a change in vision due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels. If you are a diabetic patient, then your doctor will recommend you for dilated exams once a year. During abnormal blood sugar, your lens is affected and grows larger which can cause blurry vision. The lens goes back to the normal condition in normal blood sugar level. If you have more fluctuation in your blood sugar level, then you can face more vision problems.

Dry Eyes:

Dry eyes are also very common with age. Dry eyes develop when you are not able to provide enough nourishing tears to lubricate the front surface of the eyes. This lubrication is very important to clear vision. In this condition, eyes become irritated and scratchy which can cause blurry vision. For this reason, you can get artificial tears and use them as you need throughout the day. You can detect your dry eye problem by eye examination. After controlling the problem of dry eyes, you can get rid of blurred vision with 3M Safety Glasses.

Deprivation of Sleep:

Our eyes need a break after a hectic day. The eyes take a break from sleeping. Your eyes need 6 to 8 hours of sleep for the complete rest of your eyes. When you don’t get enough sleep, then you might experience red eyes, itching eyes, etc. Your eyes cannot be lubricated without complete sleep. Without lubrication, your eyes can get some problems like light sensitivity, dryness, redness, and even some time-blurred vision.


Cataracts do not cause fluctuating vision but they can change the prescriptions after a short period. In a cataract, your January prescription eyeglasses will not work for April. Mostly cataract takes a long time to change prescriptions but yearly eye examinations can detect any risky symptoms. You can get an Online Prescription Eyewear after a complete eye checkup.


Drugs can also cause temporary or permanent blurred vision. Drugs have some contribution in the changing prescriptions. Some drugs have side effects of reducing tear production.

Migraines and Headaches:

Migraines and headaches can also cause fluctuating visions. Besides these factors, allergies can play a role in blurry vision. If you experience blurry vision and so on, then it is not a sign to reduce eyesight. If you find fluctuations continuously, then it leads to reduced eyesight. You can buy Online RX Eyeglasses by getting the right prescription.

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